The Economist is often described as “a bible of global affairs for those who wear aspirations of worldliness on their sleeves,” a status symbol for conspicious readers, a step to fulfillment for the intellectually curious …and its popularity had skyrocketed in recent years.

I’m not sure if those phrases quite apply to me, but I do want to improve my knowledge of current (national & international) events. I do love the witty banter and candid tell-it-like-it-is observations of its writers. And I do read The Economist every week on my subway commute. I never took advantage when it was distributed free on my college campus, but am I ever dog-earring the pages and (lovingly) stuffing it into my purse now.

There’s limited time in the week for everything, but especially for reading — it easily gets pushed aside by music on long train rides, TV in the evenings, or exercising/shopping/hanging with friends on weekends. Not always a bad trade off, though it has me thinking about how I allot my scarce time for turning pages and how I try to fit more reading into my time.

Some other things I read:

– The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal

– A handful of beauty/fitness pubs (Glamour, Self, Marie Claire)

– Food Network Magazine (YUM)

– Blogs galore

– Books, Books, Books.  Always one in progress on my nightstand

Some things I wish I read:

– The Washington Post (for its political, foreign and feature-y news)

– The New Yorker (I just can’t get into those long pages of text…)

– The Atlantic (Always thought-provoking and fun. Just a bit $)

– Bon Appetit (Beautiful pictures. I just don’t have the proper kitchen yet)

– Local papers (Brooklyn has a lot…I bet I’d learn a few things)


Any more suggestions?